EXCELLENT points, and roundly supported, nonjwspouse!
is a bag man.. i take bags with me everywhere: paper and canvas shopping bags, designer sacs, wine-tote bags, and so forth.
there is so much to transport, drop off, and new stuff to bring to my digs.
an assortment awaits me in the foyer as i head out to do some long-postponed and needed acquisition.
EXCELLENT points, and roundly supported, nonjwspouse!
can someone please help me find the video from the society regarding not advancing children's talents?
it's about a child who is very good at something musical and has been invited to participate in a special advanced course but his father explains how that is worldly thinking.
something along those lines..
There are many threads on this forum re: JW children being taught to sidestep the truth regarding their stand on education. In the search box, enter lying in child custody cases.
Direct and Cross-Examination Questions in Child Custody Cases
WTB&TS, page 42
"Be careful that they [JW children being questioned] don't get the impression that they are in a demonstration at the circuit assembly, when they would show that the first things in life are service and going to the Kingdom Hall. Show hobbies, crafts, social activity, sports, and especially plans for the future.
"Be careful they don't all say that they are going to be pioneers. Plans can be trade, getting married and having children, journalism, and all kinds of other things. Maybe you can show an interest in art and the theatre. They must be clean, moral, HONEST, but with interests you would expect from other young people." [emphasis added]
is a bag man.. i take bags with me everywhere: paper and canvas shopping bags, designer sacs, wine-tote bags, and so forth.
there is so much to transport, drop off, and new stuff to bring to my digs.
an assortment awaits me in the foyer as i head out to do some long-postponed and needed acquisition.
Thanks, OUTLAW, Iown Mylife, stillin, Eva Luna, and cha ching for cool and funny comments.
Today, at Grocery Outlet, I bought a lot of discounted food items, which, in some cases, cost double at my little local super. Name brands.
My bags didn't seem to hold up the line. Correct, no more plastic (unless you bring your own). Yeah -- California. The bag lady -- really -- offered me paper bags till she said, "Oh, you brought yours!" I like to double bag some things (reason is obvious).
BTW, my cupboard has too many empty cans and bottles and food containers. I put the blame squarely on MOM! It's almost too much (but not quite).
I appreciate your sharing stuff from way back! Quirks begin early on -- AND STAY!
Mr. Bag-ette!
it's nearly a job for life if you don't literally fu.. up..
"I think it was good ultimately that he got kicked out of office....the other dude ended up moving to where the need was great...blessing to the cong that was. And we all lived happily ever after......hah" -- tiki
Sounds like home. The faithful who endured "nut job" breathed a collective sigh and an oblique reference was made during local experiences at an assembly that there were difficulties in the congregation that had been endured with Jehovah's help.
The dear and loyal JWs I knew there suffered so terribly under the tyrant's reign of terror.
is a bag man.. i take bags with me everywhere: paper and canvas shopping bags, designer sacs, wine-tote bags, and so forth.
there is so much to transport, drop off, and new stuff to bring to my digs.
an assortment awaits me in the foyer as i head out to do some long-postponed and needed acquisition.
is a bag man.
I take bags with me everywhere: paper and canvas shopping bags, designer sacs, wine-tote bags, and so forth. There is so much to transport, drop off, and new stuff to bring to my digs. An assortment awaits me in the foyer as I head out to do some long-postponed and needed acquisition.
I found "Mom's" Westclox kitchen clock, circa 1940, at a friend's shop and am making the final payment today. Then, on my wall as a reminder that time mattered to me from early on. And how will it get home? In an at-the-ready canvas bag!
Did you "inherit" good, bad, and ugly habits and traits from Mom and Pop?
it's nearly a job for life if you don't literally fu.. up..
A disfellowshipped individual was allowed to participate in a family event with involvement of many Witnesses.
Some JWs couldn't just walk away; they had to make a scene. Elders in the know beforehand didn't advise the family that this was an affair for JWs in good standing only. They were not removed but rebuked and demoted.
We, family, held nothing against the brothers because they had been "open-minded"; however, the strict sensibilities and delicate consciences of the pure ones had been so unconscionably violated.
Action had to be taken. What a horrible mess it was.
watching rated r movies?
maybe a little gambling in vegas?
when i was in high school i went to the mall with my friend at the time, who happened to be a female.
Singing at a Christmas concert I was invited to.
I held it in for as long as I could during audience participation, but caved when the orchestra struck up "Hark the Herald Angels Sing."
I sang, with the angels.
can someone please help me find the video from the society regarding not advancing children's talents?
it's about a child who is very good at something musical and has been invited to participate in a special advanced course but his father explains how that is worldly thinking.
something along those lines..
I went to a conservatory of music and had my expenses paid for the first year. Prior to embarking upon my long-held dream of attending music school, I had begun studying with the Witnesses. You can imagine the disappointment and anger of non-Witness kith and kin when I quit my education and became a JW.
What Sergei's dad says is not wholly untrue: the competition is tough, there are temptations, etc. Yet, only yesterday, I was feeling certain regrets. While preparing for a recording session of a vocal transposition I had made, I thought how much easier the entire process would be if I had finished my training. I am competent but not the brilliant pianist and composer and arranger I could have been. Who knows?
Oh, well. I did receive the world's most comprehensive education at Awake! University instead . . .
what kind of restrictions are people put under when their behaviour has been considered worthy of disfellowshipping but have managed to avoid the big "d"?.
me (going back a bit):.
1. never to be in the company of the lady unchaperoned although we were "betrothed".. 2. removed from ministerial servants position.. 3. not allowed to pray in the congregation at all, including book study.. 4. removed as watchtower study conductor.. 5. removed as public speaker and talks at service meetings.. 6. removed as pioneer.. 7. report to po once a month.. amazingly, i missed none of those things and relished the freedom from responsibility.
I don't want to discuss what led up to it (too painful and involved a family matter), but during book study I was not called on by the regular conductor even if mine was the only hand up. One Saturday morning, there were only three of us: the assistant conductor, a sister, and I.
The assistant conductor said the opening prayer, read the paragraphs, said the closing prayer. I was allowed to comment. I asked him, a nice but evasive brother, why I couldn't read the paragraphs. I understood not doing the prayer. He said, somewhat nervously, that he hadn't heard me read before and felt he should handle it. Never once did the elders have a talk with me to say what was going on.
Years later, in a different congregation, I was allowed to comment although a long-haired, bearded inactive member.
i've been on this board for years.
99% of the posters here i do not personally know.
a few, maybe not so much...lol..... do posters here get you upset to the point that you really don't like them?
Hey, minimus, you're cool!
I put up a similar thread some time ago; it was not so much about posters' behavior but more about interest (or lack of) in certain subjects. Simon and others gave good answers. Not everyone is interested in all the subjects I put up, nor am I in theirs.
Likewise, my personality doesn't jibe with that of every poster in cyberspace, nor with the personalities of people I know in day-to-day life. Gee, some of the nicest people I ever met I wouldn't necessarily want to spend a day with.
In general, I find most here cordial . . .
Oh! Now I remember one of my points from that earlier thread: Some here are very straightforward in their posts and "business-like," i.e., they don't address you by name and ask how you're doing. I sort of hearken back to pen pal days where you developed real friendships with folks you would never meet. Some friends here are FB and e-mail buddies.
Know what I mean, minimus, re: all of the above?